Monday, August 01, 2005

The Blotter

Was it something he said?: A man asked an acquaintance for a ride. As he was being dropped off, he reached into his wallet and offered his acquaintance $20 for the nice gesture. Before he could hand over the money, though, the driver punched him in the face, took his $20 and kicked him out of the car.

Damaged goods: A fed-up property owner evicted his tenants after months of late payments and other problems. When the landlord went to check on the house after the tenants left, he discovered damaged walls and kitchen cabinets, a broken dishwasher and screwed up bathroom fixtures. Looks like his tenants weren't worth the $5,000 in repairs he's stuck with.

One Hit-and-Run To Go: A worker at a fast food restaurant saw a moving truck get stuck under the awning of the eating establishment's drive-through window. As the driver got out to inspect the damage, the restaurant employee asked him to stay put so he could get his information. Instead, the driver jumped back in the truck and drove away. No word on whether he got his food order.

Justice For sale:
While a man was working on the roof of a West Boulevard business, someone broke into his van and stole some tools. When the worker climbed down from the roof, two young girls at the scene told him they knew who broke into the van and would reveal his identity - for a price. The man declined the girls' offer, but the cops soon caught the thief anyway when he attempted to sell one of stolen saws at the convenience store across the street.

Chill Out, Dude: A woman got into an argument with a man after he came to her house and started demanding that her son pay back the money he had lent him. The argument escalated, and the man picked up a stick and struck the woman's $200 glass kitchen table, shattering it.

Small time crooks: A barbershop owner discovered someone had gone to great lengths to break into his shop. First, the crooks pried off a number of boards that secured a crawl space under the building. Once under the building, the crooks removed the cover to the air conditioning vent, then crawled through the vent to gain entry into the salon, which they ransacked. The thieves made off with $500 in hair products.


Birds N' Bees A completely tasteless PSA about birth control

Click Image

Bill's Dead An old lady calls the radio station by accendent and ask for bill.

Click Image

Brady Bunch A dark look into mind of Mike Brady.

Click Image


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA!!! i got my shyt together this juice or tea, etc before i read this!!!

10:59 AM  

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