Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Is It Friday Yet? Part III

In in on going saga this week I have the "IS IT FRIDAY YET?" series. Of course I have been saying this about 10 times a day but I will only post it every so often (till Friday actually gets here) Well today is Tuesday which means one of several things:

1) I will be stuck in meeting all day in the conference room that is 40 degrees and I seem to always forget so I'm sitting there in a T-shirt or Polo shirt freezing. The room has to be kept cold because the room next to it has all our tapes from the TV show we produce called Inside The Game.

2) It's Sub day at Harris Teeter and I go there to get my $1.99 sub and a fruit salad. (great when you have to budget till payday)

3) It's still not Friday.

Meetings are usually productive and I don't always mind them as they help the day go quick, unless our VP decided he wants to put his two cents into it and then it's a borefest which seems to drag on and on. He loves to hear himself speak (even funnier since he has no hearing) and everything he suggests is always impossible to accomplish. He is usually out of control and the rest of the staff usually has to cover for him or pull of the miracle which he promises to the client. Gladly for the 3pm planning meeting he is out of the office with a client. Giving me ample time to write in my blog. Isn't life great sometimes =0)

I've read in some blogs that people are going to watch the Brittany Show. Personally I have no interest in this as I didn't chime in to watch Jessica and what's his face. (Men only remember the girls) But for those who like that sort of thing. Enjoy.

I will leave you with another creative thought from my boy Calvin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny comic. I can't wait until Friday either. Counting the days...

4:37 PM  

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